Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bye...Bye LOve

Ok, maybe this is the last time I'm talk about him,,,,, so, no more love lepas ni kecuali kalu aq 'fall in love' lg laa....hihi (sound cam serius jek td kn)

D'sebabkn aq comfirm yg si T ni de awekz n aq xkn jumpa dh mamat ni taon depan, so aq decide tuk 'forget' dye wt selama-lamanyer  brape bln jek...Ciss, m'yampah aq...cute aq lg dr gf dye,,, aq putih, awekzz dye gelap,,,, n.....

'Fine, aq jahat....jelez kowt,,,, Sorry s'sgt..nk wt gne, scorpio memng kuat jelez '

Wuuwuu, aq x leh lupakn dye..... de tips x nk 'forget' dye??
the true is, aq memng mudah 'fall in love',,,, tp s'kejp jek sokmonyer....
gne leh t'sangkut ni,,, nk kte nsem, x nsem pun....bese2 jek muka dye,,, maybe sebab dye sembahyang penuh kut... 'korang xsoh gatal2 nk tnye camne aq tw, aq ni de 'speacial spy' tw x'....
But, no worry taon depan dh x b'sua dh so, maybe aq leh 'forget' dye...
Now I juz can say 'bye bye my first sigt love'...

Hampehhhh..... pa pe jek lah !!! hehex

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